Welcome to the

Liz Mohn Center

The Liz Mohn Center continues the successful civic engagement activities initiated by Liz Mohn, honorary member the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Board of Trustees. It provides continuity for the expertise and international networks resulting from those activities while ensuring a global transfer of knowledge.

Liz Mohn Center

Who we are

The Liz Mohn Center was founded in 2022 as an initiative of the Bertelsmann Stiftung, continuing all of Liz Mohn’s civic engagement activities within an independent organization.

One of Liz Mohn’s and the center’s heartfelt concerns is building bridges of understanding across languages and borders in order to bring people of different nations and cultures into dialogue with each other.

At the same time, the president of the Liz Mohn Center has always known that if there is to be peace, prosperity and progress in the world, leaders are needed in a variety of fields – from politics to business to culture – who strengthen social cohesion and who motivate people and inspire them to be creative.

That is why Liz Mohn feels it is important to develop people and their talents early on, while encouraging them to participate in society.

The Liz Mohn Center is a nonprofit limited-liability company in accordance with Section 55 (1) of the German Fiscal Code (Abgabenordnung, AO). It receives funding from the Bertelsmann Stiftung to carry out its activities.

Our president

Liz Mohn

Liz Mohn represents the fifth generation of Bertelsmann’s founding families.

She not only continues to represent the Bertelsmann Stiftung worldwide, but is also committed to accelerating the global transfer of knowledge through the Liz Mohn Center gGmbH. 

“For me, every day is a bridge to the future which I’m keen to cross. Life has given me the great good fortune of being able to make a difference. I also view this opportunity as a responsibility – day after day, year after year. I firmly believe you must attempt the impossible if you want to achieve the possible.”       

In order to contribute her extensive experience and make use of her international networks, she has brought together her successful civic engagement activities and selected projects in the Liz Mohn Center gGmbH, which she founded in 2022.

In addition to continuing the events and projects she has personally initiated, as president of the Liz Mohn Center she is especially concerned with launching additional innovative activities that contribute to society and make our world a better, fairer and more peaceful place.

Our projects


  • The Liz Mohn Center accelerates the global transfer of knowledge based on evidence-driven findings and analysis. It does so in order to
  • improve the quality of decision-making in politics, business and culture;
  • support decision makers in leading sustainably and responsibly;
  • increase understanding between nations and cultures;
  • promote young talent from different areas of society.



22. June 2023



18. January 2023

Leading in a World of Converging Crises

The Club de Madrid is the association of globally democratically retired heads of state and government. At the annual meeting in 2022, in collaboration with the Liz Mohn Center, recommendations were developed on the current crises of energy/climate, food, and debt for the G20 summit.[…]

28. October 2022

Social engagement

Social commitment and the commitment to the community are among the value concepts of the German population. In a study, the Liz Mohn Center surveyed social engagement in Germany.[…]

21. October 2022

10th German-Spanish Forum

The German-Spanish Forum, under the patronage of the Federal President and King Felipe VI, addressed the question of sustainability and digitalization in Europe. During the conference, Federal Minister of Economic Affairs Robert Habeck and Spanish Minister of Trade Reyes Maroto emphasized the importance of shared paths for the future viability[…]

18. August 2022

Trilogue Salzburg

The traditional Salzburg Trilogue, organized by the Bertelsmann Stiftung, took place this year for the first time under the auspices of the Liz Mohn Center. Representatives from politics, business, and culture discussed the question of how a seemingly divided world could be brought back together.[…]

15. August 2022

Survey on kids and young adults

The Salzburg Trilogue deals with the division of the world and the question of how respect, reliability, and mutual understanding can be strengthened. As a basis, the desires and concerns of children and young people in the country were surveyed in a representative survey.[…]

11. March 2022

Forum Bellevue

The symposium was dedicated to the topic: “The Future of Democracy – How Do We Strengthen the Republic?” Together with many of the former panelists from the twelve events of the “Forum Bellevue” the Federal President took stock of the previous debates.[…]

10. February 2022

Leadership radar

Quote, no thanks, in our organization, everything is fine with gender equality, right?! No awareness of a problem means no need for action, right? Is this the big “pink elephant” in the room of women’s advancement?[…]

5. February 2022

"Got it, Classical Music?"

Got it. Classical music? What was it? What is it? What will it be? These are the major topics of the cultural industry in our weekly podcast. For all those interested in classical music and culture, and who have a desire for exciting topics and guests.[…]


If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact us!

Our President

Building a bridge of understanding across countries, languages, and borders and in this way bringing people from different nations and cultures into dialogue is a heartfelt concern of our president.
About Liz Mohn

Our topics

The Moor Center aims to promote global knowledge transfer through various activities.
Our topics

Our team

The team at the Liz Mohn Center is dedicated to innovative, socially responsible solutions to strengthen civic engagement.
Our team