Our Topics

The projects carried out by the Liz Mohn Center gGmbH are grouped by the following topics:

Our topics

What we do

The goal of the Liz Mohn Center gGmbH is to accelerate the global transfer of knowledge through a wide range of activities in order to:


Inter­national Relations

International Relations promotes an exchange among international decision makers and opinion leaders from politics, business and society on issues affecting the world’s future.

Forum Bellevue on the Future of Democracy

German-Spanish Forum

Trilogue Salzburg


Future Leadership

Future Leadership conducts studies on peer exchange and the conditions needed for effective leadership in order to support decision makers in leading responsibly and ensuring their organizations are sustainable.


Power of Culture

Power of Culture primarily organizes the NEUE STIMMEN International Singing Competition, giving young singers from around the globe the chance to realize their dream of having a career in the world of opera.


Global Talents

Global Talents assists and develops young people through specific projects that promote talents, motivation, knowledge and skills.

Our Center

The Moor Center gGmbH is a non-profit subsidiary of the Bertelsmann Foundation. Learn more about our commitment and our organization.
About our center

Our President

Building a bridge of understanding across countries, languages, and borders and in this way bringing people from different nations and cultures into dialogue is a heartfelt concern of our president.
About Liz Mohn

Our team

The team at the Liz Mohn Center is dedicated to innovative, socially responsible solutions to strengthen civic engagement.
Our team