Limits to Growth

For some, it was one of many reports whose predictions did not come true. For others, it was a wake-up call that finally made people aware of the impact that human activity is having on nature and the need to start doing things differently. However one views Limits to Growth, the report submitted to the Club of Rome more than 50 years ago, it marked a turning point, thanks to the debates it initiated on environmental destruction.

January 30, 2024

That means it’s time for a critical assessment: What have we learned since the report was published? Did it serve as a guide to rethinking business, politics and the environment? “50 Years of Limits to Growth – What Comes Next?” was the name of the event organized by the Federation of German Scientists, a German NGO, and the Liz Mohn Center to provide answers to those questions and examine what still needs to be done.   

The results are sobering: The challenge is enormous and can only be overcome if the global community acts as one. And yet there is hope that humanity will succeed – that was the conclusion drawn by the high-profile speakers, especially Professor Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, one of the environmental movement’s pioneers, who provided an unsparing analysis of the situation, and Professor Julian Nida-Rümelin,  the internationally acclaimed philosopher, who called for every individual to take responsibility for the future.


Dr. Jörg Habich